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PI Series End-suction Fire Pump

Saving space, pipeline layout easier.
Design according to GB6245
Design According to NFPA20
Max. Capacity: 2400m3/h?(667L/s)
MAWP: 2.0MPa

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As the heart of a water/foam fire protection system, fire pumps used to provide fire pressure water are critical in the system. Due to the needs of the fire protection system, the fire pump has its own characteristics: intermittent work system, high reliability requirements, wide operating range, flat flow rate - pressure performance curve. The fire pump produced by our company is developed according to the above characteristics and requirements, and complies with FM1311 "Centrifugal Medium Open Fire Pump", National Standard GB6245 "Fire Pump" and American Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA20 "Installation Standard for Fixed Fire Pump" new

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